If you are planning to shed some pounds, you ought to start minimizing your intake of food. A healthy and nutritious diet is important in weight loss. However, aside from reducing your caloric intake, physical activities and exercises are also important in toning your body and building your muscles. Having healthy and strong muscles will help boost metabolism.
For instance, in order to maximize your caloric burn, you may want to do the following moves that will help improve your stamina and increase your fitness level in no time. These additional exercises are also ideal building up your muscles while toning your legs and thighs. Be sure to add these moves at least twice a week, even on non-successive days.
Calf Raise
In order to strengthen the calf muscles on your legs, it would be a great idea to do some calf raises. Basically, this exercise is quite easy. Just stand and make sure that your feet are apart and your toes are facing forward. Put your hands on your hips and slowly contract your abs while lifting up your legs toward your body. Then hold for five seconds. Repeat this exercise for about 6 to 12 times.
Crossover Crunch
This exercise is helpful in making your tummy flatter and you don't need any equipment to do this. First, you need to lie down and keep your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. Next, stretch your arms, making sure that they are at a perpendicular position to your body. Then, lift your right arm and try to touch your left knee. Count to five and return to your original position. Do the same on the opposite side. Perform the crunches alternately for about 12 times.
Front Lunge
In order to strengthen your legs, front lunges are what you need. This is actually quite a simple exercise. Just stand up with your feet far apart and your hands on your hips. Then extend your left foot forward, bending your left knee until it is almost parallel to your ankle, making sure that you contract your abs in the process. Then bend your right knee so that your left thigh is almost aligned to the floor. Repeat the exercise on your right side. Be sure to perform 6 to 12 front lunges on each leg.
Side Lunge
This move, which targets the legs, butt and back, is actually just a sideway variation of the front lunge. First, you have to stand up with your feet wide apart and your hands on your hips. Next, extend your right root farther to the right and bend your right knee while letting your whole body go as low as you can. Make sure that your right ankle and right knee are properly aligned. Return to your original position and perform the move on the left side. Do about 6 to 10 side lunges per side.
Chair Squat
Chair squats are good for your thighs and hips. Start the move by standing up with a chair on your back. Make sure that your feet are wide apart and your toes are facing forward. Next, cross your arms on your chest, contract your abs and sit straightly onto the chair, try to protrude your butt as you go along. Then, go back to the original position. Again, repeat this move for about 6 to 12 times.
These exercises will help you lose weight and strengthen your muscles. However, this will not be helpful in banishing your cellulite. For orange peel looking skin, you need to use anti-cellulite creams, such as Celrase.
Know more about this product by visiting http://www.celrase.com/
Janet Martin is an avid health and fitness enthusiast and published author. Many of her insightful articles can be found at the premiere online news magazine http://www.thearticleinsiders.com
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