If you want to know how to lose 5 pounds in 2, 3, or 5 days, read this article without skipping a single word. It's very important because I'll relate a diet method by which you can actually lose 5 pounds in 2, 3, or 5 days, but it has both pros and cons, so you need to know everything.
In order to lose 5 pounds in 2, 3, or 5 days, I suggest that you use a reliable detox diet. You see, 2, 3, or 5 days is not too long in order to lose 5 pounds, so you need to use a diet which is a bit drastic. But don't worry, a lot of people have done such a diet with great success.
In fact, the detox diet I recommend, called the Master Cleanse diet, has been used by the singer Beyonce with great success (she lost 20 pounds).
However, a detox diet, such as the Master Cleanse diet, also has some cons. One of them is that in this diet you mostly drink your calories (in the form of fresh fruit juices). Some people find it hard not to eat solids for even a few days. Personally, I believe that if you want to lose five pounds in 2,3, or 5 days, you can definitely stick to such a diet. It's only a few days.
Another disadvantage to the Master Cleanse diet is that it's difficult to stick to the diet for a long time. Due to that, I recommend that you not use this diet to try to lose more than 5 -- 10 pounds. It's a great diet for losing weight in a very short time, so if you only want to lose 5 lbs. and to do it in 2,3, or 5 days, it can definitely work for you.
To read how you can start to lose as 5 pounds in under 5 days and keep it off, visit this webpage:
How to lose 5 Pounds Fast. It's a review of how to lose 10 pounds. Simply split the time it takes to lose 10 pounds by 2 and you'll know how long it takes to lose 5.
John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. To read more about fast weight loss, click here: How To Lose 5 Pounds with The Master Cleanse and other diets
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