It is well known fact that exercise is important for losing weight. But exercise combined with proper diet plans helps you to lose weight very quickly. Here are some of the best diet plans available. Also, in the end of the article I will let you know about more quick weight loss methods available on web.
Zone Diet Plan:
Zone diet plan was founded by Barry Sears, Ph.D. Eliminating sugar and high starch foods is the basis of this diet plan. This diet plan claims that you can lose weight permanently, delay the signs of aging, enhance your mental productivity and also achieve peak physical performance.
Sommersizing Diet Plan:
The Sommersizing Diet was devised by Suzanne Somers. Eating the right type of carbohydrates and good fats is the basis of this diet plan. As per this diet plan, if you eat low glycemic index carbohydrates then your blood sugars and insulin levels will remain stable which will help your body to burn more fat.
The Dr. Phil Diet Plan
Healthy eating is the basis of Dr. Phil Diet plan. This diet plan is more focussed towards over eaters and based around understanding the cycle of why people overeat.
The Atkins Diet Plan
Cutting out all carbohydrates from the diet is the basis of Atkins Diet plan. However, small amount of carbohydrates which comes from the natural carbs in vegetables is allowed.
South Beach Diet Plan
The South Beach Diet Plan was devised Dr. Agatston. Eating the right type of carbohydrates and good fats instead of bad ones is the basis of this diet.
And One More Thing Recommended Weight Loss Resources
These are the top weight loss resources available in the web which I recommend personally. If you want to lose weight quickly and safely, then I suggest you to have a look at these resources
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