Are you looking for rapid weight loss? If you are looking for an easy way to lose 5 or 10 pounds then just follow these easy diet tips. You should always pay attention to what you eat. Fresh and healthy food is not only good tasting, but it is also good for you. Make snacks out of vegetables, and have fruit on hand to satisfy a sweet tooth.
You shouldn't have to sacrifice in order to lose a few pounds, just follow some simple balanced but flexible diet guidelines to lose that 10 pounds, or to give your normal diet a boost if it seems to be staggering behind.
A simple log of what you ingest will bring more awareness to your eating habits, which will help you plan out more healthy meals for your rapid weight loss.
Cut your intake of saturated fats in half. This list will include butter, margarine, mayonnaise, salad dressings and cooking oil.
Limit your intake of sweets to three times or less per week. It may be hard not to splurge, but limit yourself on candy, cakes and ice cream.
Choose a low fat source of protein as the main course in most of your meals. Choose chicken, turkey or fish rather than red meat or eggs.
Have at least one vegetarian meal each week.
You can increase fiber intake and reduce fat by planning a meal around whole grains, vegetables and beans while leaving out the meat.
Choose low fat dairy products. You can reduce your fat intake by choosing low fat milk, cottage cheese and yogurt.
Have two servings of fruit daily. This can be for desserts or for snacks. Fresh is better, but if you buy frozen or canned fruit, get the kind with no sugar added in order to help with your rapid weight loss.
Do without sodas, juice or alcohol.
Drink plenty of water instead. You can squeeze a slice of lemon or lime for a little flavor if you want.
Make sure to have at least two servings of vegetables at lunch and dinner. If you are still hungry, eat more vegetables, not meat.
Slow down when you eat. If you race through your meal, you could over-do it and eat too much before your body registers that your stomach is full. These rapid weight loss tips are sound healthy eating tips that can be used anytime and for as long as you want to use them.
A revolutionary weight loss program has recently been released. It is not a fad diet but a customizable healthy plan in which 98% of users lost weight in 12 days during its study. Learn about it here http://www.effectiveweightlossguide.com/art.html
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