I've lost over 75 pounds on Medifast and I make no secret of it. My coworkers, friends, and colleagues all know about it and many have asked me how I did it. I've found that a lot of people assume that I've gone on some extreme diet, have starved myself, or gone on some gruesome exercise program. They figure that dramatic results must require dramatic measures. The truth is, I haven't done any of these things nor have I taken this diet to the extreme. This article will discuss the sensible (and right) way that I lost a lot of weight on Medifast.
First, I Understood And Trusted That Medifast Is Not Always A Liquid Diet And Is Already Designed To Work: I spend a lot of time on weight loss forums and I've run across many people who use Medifast as a liquid only diet. They consume only the shakes and the soups and assume that they will have better results.
The truth is, this isn't necessary. All of the foods (and there are over 70 choices) are designed to be very low in calories and carbs and high in protein. Even if you partake in plenty of the safe solid foods (eggs, oatmeal, stew, chili, etc.), you're still going to be consuming an extremely low amount of calories. I've always included all of the solid foods in the 5 plus 1 plan. I've never restricted myself to liquids and I've lost a large amount of steady weight with no problems.
This is actually a high protein diet that works to trick your body into burning it's own fat (called ketosis). This is the same way that Atkins and other low carb diets work. This is dramatically effective for most. So there is really no reason to get extreme and cut out more foods or calories than is necessary.
I Do Add Exercise To What I am Already Doing, But I Don't Take This To The Extreme: I am going to admit up front that I've always hated exercise with a passion. I've never found one thing enjoyable about sweating or struggling to do something my body isn't used to doing. I hate gyms. I hate the thought of people staring at me when I work out. But, as the weight started to come off, my self consciousness started to fade. I knew that I was eating in a much healthier manner. My cholesterol and blood sugar came way down and my doctor was incredibly impressed. These things motivated me to want to do more as I didn't feel I was making huge sacrifices as it was.
I knew though that I wasn't able to go to a gym and I would never be an athlete or jock, so I decided to just bump up what I was already doing. When I went for my daily walk with my daughter, I walked a bit faster at first and once I worked up a little stamina and momentum, I eventually added ankle weights.
I began wearing a weight vest when gardening or cleaning the house. Eventually, I brought some exercise bands and I use those to build a bit of muscle. Just these tiny efforts have made a huge difference in my muscle tone and the lean lines of my body. Losing weight is a great thing, but toning up is the icing on the cake and what will really change your body.
The thing is, you don't have to go to extremes or take drastic measures to achieve this. You can just take baby steps as you are comfortable and these small efforts will gradually change your life. This diet is designed to work and it does. You can trust in that and make small changes when you're ready. This, rather than drastic measures, is the really right way to lose weight on Medifast.
Lindsey Price is the author of the free ebook "Getting The Most Out Of Medifast," which includes a complete food list, tips, how tos, recipes and coupons (including two weeks free) and specials. To get a free copy (immediate download / no information required), click here.
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