In this day and age when your looks can often determine your popularity and appeal, it is only expected that we spend more and more money and time on the same- beauty products, skin treatments, the works. But more important than all these things is to work on your fitness regime.
A double chin for example can blight the coolest of looks. It can be caused because of weight gain or aging or can even be a heredity trait. It is the result of fat deposition in the layer under your skin, which makes the skin sag. Some common factors that can further contribute the same are:
* Bad Posture: An improper posture, a slouched back can lead to accumulation of fat at various points in your body.
* Increasing weight.
* Fluid build up in your body can result in a double chin too.
* As you grow older it is natural for your skin to become lose and sag, resulting in pouches under your eyes and double chin etc.
But as important as knowing the cause behind your double chin is to know how you can get rid of it. Given below are 4 double chin exercises, which are not only easy but have been shown to be quite effective.
1. Keep your head straight. Open your mouth wide. Push your lower jaw upwards so that teeth from your lower jaw touch your upper lip. Bring it back to the original position. Repeat. You can do this exercise in the sets of 10-15 to begin with. You can safely do this double chin exercise up to four times day.
2. Hold your head at an angle, so that your chin points upwards. Open and close your mouth (as you do while chewing) only much wider. Ideally you should feel your neck muscles contract and relax every time you open and close your mouth. You can do this double chin exercise in the sets of 15-30, up to four times a day.
3. Stand straight. Put your head on a smooth, hard surface like a wall. Stay still for a few seconds. Apply pressure on the surface through your forehead. You feel the muscles on your neck tighten. Repeat the exercise for both sides of your head. You can do this double chin exercise up to 2-3 times in a day.
4. Raise your chin at an angle. Place your index and middle fingers under your chin. You can also use a tennis ball instead. The idea is to create a resistance to the free movement of the muscles in the region. Press your tongue against your lower jaw line. If you are doing the exercise correctly then you will feel pressure on your fingers. Hold it for as long as you can. Relax for ten seconds and repeat. You can do this exercise 4-5 times a day.
These 4 double chin exercises have been found to be quite effective but the degree would vary from person to person. The important thing is to not get disheartened and stay focused.
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