Before we actually dive into the amazing world of health related breakthroughs and diets, we must first define what a super food really is. In a nutshell, a superfood is the type of food that is able to provide all or most of the nutrients and minerals that our bodies need in order to function properly and maintain a healthy metabolism, in other words, a superfood will always deliver the maximum nutritional punch in comparison with the rest of the foods which need to be complemented in order to provide the nutritional value found in super foods.
Expert studies
Dr. Nicholas Perricone (MD), a professor at Michigan State University College of Human Medicine has conducted several studies in order to determine which the foods and natural products are able to deliver maximum benefits to our skin, Dr. Perricone is a dermatologist who has taken upon himself the difficult but rewarding task of finding natural products that will do more than just keeping our skin healthy.
Dr. Perricone has been the author of several books but, one of his most recent publications has caught the attention of the media mainly because it provides a very useful list of foods which are able to deliver the maximum nutritional value our bodies need and at the same time promote good overall health, that publication is called the Perricone Promise.
Oprah Winfrey and Media Coverage
Because of the intense research and useful information found in the Perricone Promise Oprah Winfrey featured Perricone's book on her show which gave it national syndication, amongst the many super foods that Dr. Perricone mentions in his book, the one that caught everyone's attention was the super food mentioned as the number one, Acai berry.
Acai is a berry which grows at the top of certain palm trees which can only be found at the Amazonian basin, this fruit has been categorized as the top superfood because it delivers many of the nutrients and compounds that our body means in order to maintain a healthy metabolic process and to a certain level slow down the aging process, this fruit was referred to as a natural product which should be used in order to achieve and maintain age defying beauty.
Not only did Opera Winfrey covered the many benefits that Acai provides, NBC reported that "the Anomabi" Indians have believed for centuries that this fruit helps women recuperate after birth and it is also able to deliver a great deal of energy to anyone who drinks of its juice; the Vogue magazine calls it the next big workout cocktail and the London Times said that Acai is able to deliver such a high nutritional value that makes other fruits blush with inadequacy, a statement which is well put.
The bottom line when it comes to this Brazilian berry is that it contains extremely high levels of antioxidants, omega-9, omega-9 and several other nutrients which have age slowing properties, can help lose weight and in recent laboratory studies an Acai extract triggered a self-destructive sequence amongst leukemia cells, this last finding may prove that Acai can do a lot more than just beautify your skin.
Acaiberrytablets.com offers comprehensive information about the Acai cleanse and how the amazing Acai fruit can help you lose weight and regulate your metabolism in a more natural manner, visit our website to learn more!
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