The medicine ball is a concept that was originally devised some 3,000 years ago. In these days it was nothing more than a bladder filled with sand. This has evolved over the years and you are now able to find balls in a variety of sizes and weights. The old suede stitched cover has been replaced with modern rubber or vinyl with one advantage being that the contents now stay within the ball rather than emptying across the floor of the gym. Another noticeable step on the evolutionary scale is that you can find fitness medicine balls with handles.
These new balls are available in a variety of sizes and weights and are becoming increasingly popular. They are making an appearance at nearly all gyms and training facilities due to their versatility within a whole range of training programs. People often find fitness medicine balls with handles are much easier than the original balls as they are obviously easier to grip and work with. The plain balls require a lot of strength in the wrists and forearms. This is great is that is the area where you are aiming to work on, but all too often, weak wrists will prevent the arms being strengthened. As these handled balls are easier to work with, it means that the arms, shoulders and back can be given better training.
Medicine balls with handles are also much safer when being used as a weight training device and you will often find fitness medicine balls with handles in gyms. Boxing and martial arts training centres will often favour the old fashioned versions, but handled balls are even starting to make an appearance in some of these facilities.
These days, with internet accessibility being so easy, you can find fitness medicine balls with handles available through mail order from many sports equipment companies. By checking on various websites, you can compare products for both suitability and prices before making a decision as to which is the best for you.
Although the medicine ball is a very basic and fundamental piece of training equipment, you must never underestimate the weight of the balls. You may be best to go to a gym where you will find fitness medicine balls with handles so that you can run through some basic training exercises with this piece of equipment prior to purchasing one for home use. Some products will be sold with a training chart included and you should follow all the advice that is given with the ball. It goes without saying that medicine balls are heavy. This means that if they are used incorrectly they are able to cause damage. Ensure that you are not using a ball that it too heavy for you and always treat this piece of equipment with care.
Robert Grazian is an accomplished niche website developer and author. To learn more about medicine balls visit Exercise Balls Site for current articles and discussions.
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